Terms of Personal Information Protection regarding Customer Portal

  • Recieved Approval Request

    When you use a function that requires approval between users, such as Tenant to Tenant connection, you submit the approval request as a permission request. The next screen allows you to accept or reject the received request. Detail

    Sent Approval Request

    When you use a function that requires approval between users, such as Tenant to Tenant connection, you submit the approval request as a permission request. On the next screen, you can confirm or withdraw your request. Detail

Terms of Personal Information Protection regarding Customer Portal

Terms of Personal Information Protection regarding Customer Portal

Article 1. Definition

  • This Terms of Personal Information Protection regarding Customer Portal (“Terms”) stipulates the matters relating to the handling of user information regarding the customer portal (“Portal Service”) provided by NTT Communications Corporation (“we”, “our” or “us”).

Article 2. Types of Personal Information to be Acquired and the Means of Acquisition

  • Through the customers that has executed a Portal Service contract with us (“Party to Portal Contract”) or through the Portal User who accesses to the portal site (defined below), we will acquire the email address, telephone number, and name (collectively, “Personal Information”) of each person who uses the Portal Service by logging into the portal site of the Portal Service (“Portal User”).

Article 3. Use of Personal Information

  • 3.1 We will share and jointly use the Personal Information within our company (including branches, business offices and others) and with our affiliates (collectively, “Our Group”) in order to enable the Portal User to log into the Portal Site and use the Portal Service in all of the countries and the areas where we provide the Portal Service (Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore and other countries and areas where Our Group is located).
  • 3.2 For the purpose of Article 3.1, we will transfer the Personal Information domestically or internationally to our affiliates and make them use such Personal Information.
  • 3.3 There will be occasions where we will, for the purpose of information processing or otherwise, subcontract the storage, management or processing of the Personal Information that we acquire to third parties. For outsourcing, we will only choose such subcontractors that have a personal information management standard which is of the same or the higher standard compared to the security control measurement standard that we set, and we will conduct adequate supervision and management.

Article 4. Disclosure or Provision of Personal Information

  • Our Group will not disclose or provide the Personal Information acquired from the Portal User to any third party other than to Our Group, without obtaining consent of such Portal User unless otherwise provided in the applicable laws, regulations and rules.

Article 5. Consent and Withdrawal

  • 5.1 By using the Portal Service, the Portal User will be deemed to have confirmed this Terms and agreed to its provisions and to have given consent for the Personal Information of such Portal User to be acquired by us, transferred abroad and used jointly within Our Group in accordance with this Terms.
  • 5.2 Prior to the provision of Personal Information of the Portal User to us, the Party to Portal Contract will ensure that the Portal User has given consent as stipulated under Article 5.1.
  • 5.3 The Portal User may at any time withdraw the consent stipulated under Article 5.1 by ceasing the use of the Portal Site and deleting the user registration.

Article 6. Privacy Policy

  • In addition to this Terms, the Personal Information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy (www.ntt.com/privacy_e/). In case of any conflict between the terms of this Terms and those of our Privacy Policy, the terms of this Terms shall take precedence and apply.

Article 7. Revision

  • We may revise this Terms from time to time which will be announced on our website.